Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Look what I did.....

Look at my toes!!!!   Today Nathan made his way into Annagrace's room.  I followed quickly behind him, Will, Annagrace, and a friend had been playing Monopoly today, all day long Nathan has gone to the door knocking saying  " I play game, I play game".  Well the instant he finds Will or Annagrace's bedroom door open, he makes a run for it.  Annagrace was sitting on her bed with a game.  I stood there all the while chatting with her, and Nathan is squatting on the floor saying "I play game", well I'm thinking he's got into the Monopoly game. I just kinda keep cool thinking, he's just looking at it, he'll be fine..... then I say to Annagrace, "Why do I smell finger nail polish?"   Well Nathan turns around quickly, with a BIG smile on his face with the finger nail polish in his hands and says, " Look mommy" and he is wiggling his little toes back and forth.  He is so proud of what he has done!  Well, I start to giggle, and sweep him up quickly and take him to the kitchen, so I can get a "good" picture. He is such a funny kid.   Many times people are quick to say "Oh he's in his terrible two's", I'm quick to say, "oh no, it's not terrible at all, may be trying at times, but NOT terrible".  My days are spent watching him learn and explore, of course he keeps me on my toes.... 
Just like Nathan today was so quick to get into something, with me right there in the room with him.  How many times have I managed to "get into something", knowing all along that Jesus was right there in the room. I'm sure Nathan knew that he wasn't supposed to get into the nail polish, he's picked it up before, and I've quickly taken it away and said no no Nathan, etc...  Well he's seen myself and his sister painting our toes.  I'm sure he had some sort of thought, maybe not who knows, he is only 2.  Anyway, it probably looked so pretty and fun to him.  How often do things I get into seem fun or pretty and maybe I've not really thought about what the outcome of the situation would be, only react or act in the moment without really thinking what the final outcome would be.  I know I've made mistakes and been foolish, all the while, Jesus was right there in the room with me.  Had I really thought the process through, would I really have said that or watched that or took part in something really thinking that Jesus was right there with me.????  Yes HE is, He is everywhere with me. I can now look back over certain situations that I've been in and realized that I really had made a mess, just like Nathan did... messy little toes, and yes some messiness on the floor.... (still working on getting that all cleaned up).  I know that when I have messed up that I have a loving Father that forgives me, but have I allowed myself to make a mess that's not so easily cleaned up?  Times before I have, I know that whatever I've done that I'm FORGIVEN, but I know too that there are sometimes consequences that I have to pay, even though I'm forgiven.  I have to go back and clean up my mess, sometimes it may take a little while, just like cleaning the polish off of the toes, and sometimes it may take more work, like the polish on the floor!  My prayer and challenge today is remember Jesus is always "in the room", what is going to become of what I am doing, thinking,saying etc...?  So many times it's not what I "do" maybe it's what I've "thought".  I just want to live my life to the fullest glorifying my Father!  This scripture really came to me while writing this...

Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing in your eyes, O Lord, my strength and my salvation. Psalm 19:14 (Bible in Basic English)